How To Paint The Walls For A Professional Finish?

Painting a house has always been fun! Selecting from the array of hues and playing with the paint-loaded rollers is totally awesome. Yet, for a perfect finish, there is a need of some professional tricks and tips. So, without much ado, here you go with the best advices from the painting contractors.

� No Muss, No Dust
This has to be basic of painting preparations. Start with the scraping and sanding of the wall and make every nook and cranny of the house free from it. Dust can seriously cause hindrance while painting and can lead to the change of color. When paint is mixed with dirt a slight difference in the texture as well as hue is observed. In order to avoid this situation, you have to get rid of dirt on the wall. Mudrooms, kitchen walls, and area around the light switches can be difficult to paint on. Use a degreaser to get rid of these greasy areas.  Once done, move ahead with the painting procedure. Also, make sure that you are wearing hand and eye protection while using the degreaser.

� Avoid The Lap Marks

Usually, the lap marks are caused by the uneven layers of paint. The main reason behind this is the repetition of paint on a partly dried surface. To avoid such situation, one has to maintain the wet edge so that each stroke falls on a wet plane. No doubt, it is quite tricky to maintain the wetness, however, with a little care it can be done easily. Start with the corner and run the roller in the upward direction and down the wall. Reload it often to maintain the consistency of the paint. You can also use a paint extender to slow down the drying time. These extenders act as a conditioner and eliminate the brush strokes virtually.

� Mix The Color In One Go
Mixing small amounts of paint in different go will not save you anything, rather it can cause color differentiation. Better mix it all in one large bucket, so that there is no issue with the color consistency. If you are confused about the coverage area, it is recommended to keep the quantity a bit more rather than keeping it less. This way, it also gets easier to dub the roller in the paint bucket.

� Start With The Trim

Painting the ceilings and the wall first, can make you end up in chaos. Professionals always follow the trim part first before proceeding to the ceiling and walls. Paint the trim and leave it for over 24 hours, then get along with painting the ceiling and walls. While painting, don�t worry about your cleanliness; instead focus on the finishing of the wall.

� Avoid the Blotchy finish

Sometimes the wall color is consistent, but still the spark misses. This mainly happens due to the cracks and patches on the wall that is badly filled. Paints are thoroughly absorbed by the porous filler and the wall is left without the sheen. Get rid of the issue by applying a quick coat of primer on the cracks and pits. Primers seal the patches, making the color shine and hence, the luster of the wall can be gained back. 

� Use Cotton Drop Clothes

Spills and spatters are obvious while painting. So, how do you plan to manage it? Some go for the plastic coverage while others go for the cotton drop cloth. Between the both, painters recommend the cotton drop cloth. The thick cotton canvas stays in place; hence, you don�t have to tape it. There won�t be any such issues like leaking or spilling like the plastic coverage.

� Pick The Best Stuff

Going for a good stuff can cost a bit more, but it will guarantee for a well-defined texture. Cheap colors may erode over a certain period of time and you may have to paint it again. Low luster paint is optimal for the walls as they do not get washed easily. Also, you have to go for two coats, as the first one may appear to be uneven and streaky.

� Appropriate Tools

Tools play a major role in deciding over the perfectness of paint. Usually a 9 inch roller is opted for painting the walls. The 9-inch rollers are easier to work with due to their lighter and larger rolls. The brushes will also   be required to fill the seam between the walls and ceilings. But, before you put these tools in the paint tub, make sure that all the loose fibers attached to them have been removed. Go for brushes of multiple sizes, so that you can pick the best one according to your needs.

Follow these tricks and continue painting the homes in dreamy colors. 

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    Designing a Perfect Home Garage

    A car, a lawnmower, a toolbox, a couple of stray screws left outside the toolbox, a selection of garden tools, a ginormous shelf that is half-empty because most of your stuff is on the floor and, finally, a huge box labeled �Childhood Memories� you do not want to open ever again. This is a simplified list of things that one can find in an average garage nowadays � the content may vary from one owner to another, but that is the gist. If your garage looks like this as well, it is high time you did something about it. You can make it bigger, taller, wider and more spacious, or you can design a new one and build it from scratch. Here are a couple of suggestions you might take into consideration when trying to find more room in your existing garage.

    More Space Equals More Comfort
    The dimensions of your garage are best measured by the size of your car and whether you have one, two or more vehicles. Since most families own two cars, at least in the USA, it is important to have a garage that will accommodate both of them and still leave room around them.
    However, what happens if your garage can house your cars, but nothing else? All garages need some walking around space and there has to be at least 20 inches between your car � which is usually parked in the centre of the garage � and the walls stacked with shelves. 

    Adjusting the Height

    If you, nevertheless, cannot seem to find enough room in your garage, you should think about going up and raising its height. If your garage is also a storage space, the best thing to do is install shelves high up the walls � this will leave a ton of space on the ground and allow you to fit all your stuff.
    Higher garages are also great for people driving vehicles that are slightly higher than the others � perhaps you started visiting truck sales recently and are thinking about purchasing a new model. In this case, your old garage will not do, but it will have to be modified. 

    The Perfect Entrance

    Just because some garages are not physically connected to a house does not mean that they should not be decorated and designed properly. Among the things a number of people pay close attention to are the doors and the windows. While the former are quite simple to choose � just pick the windows that will bring in the most light yet still protect your privacy � the choice of a door is slightly more complicated.

    Even though it looks rather complex, a garage door opener is a simple mechanism that will bring comfort into your everyday life. This system allows you to remain in your car until you have parked it into the garage, which is more than helpful during the winter and cold mornings, especially if you have a residential garage. 

    Even More Storage Space
    If these alternations do not manage to ensure you enough storage space, you can always install attic storage trusses. These will give your garage a whole new look and make it more robust, but also provide a ton of new space. Be careful what you store here and try to pick the most sensitive items that need extra protection against humidity and cold. 

    The Outcome
    After you have made these changes to your garage, you will notice that it not only looks newer, but it is also more functional. You will finally have enough room for your car and your tools � plus, there will be enough walking space as well.

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      How to Reduce Water Use With Efficient Plumbing

      Most people never stop to think about the amount of water they use each day. We fail to give water the value and respect it deserves because it is easy for us to access � simply turn on a tap and you have instant water. From brushing our teeth, to showing off water features in the garden, we take this life-giving resource for granted. The truth of how much we waste may surprise you.

      Experts measure water usage around the world in cubic meters. America's current water footprint falls at somewhere around 1,053 billion cubic meters of water � meaning that we use more water per person than any other person on the planet. Today, we use 127% more water than in 1950, and we are struggling to find sustainable ways of lowering water usage. With widespread drought conditions impacting much of the country, water use has already become a hot topic of discussion. As an individual, you may be looking for ways to reduce water use in your home; the solution may be to make use of efficient plumbing practices, and innovative plumbing solutions to reduce how much water you are using every day.

      Low-flow plumbing fixtures and other modern upgrades could provide one-time sustainable measures that we can implement in homes throughout the country for little cost. Following are just some steps you can use to reduce water use with efficient plumbing.

      Step 1: Seek Out and Repair Leaks
      This may seem like an obvious step in reducing water waste, however leaks are overlooked. The truth is that 60% of all the water we waste on an annual basis is lost due to leaky pipes. In other words, the average household contributes about 10,000 gallons per year of wasted water through leaky pipes � enough for 270 laundry loads. Even the smallest drip can be enough to waste twenty gallons of water each day � raising your utility bills and expanding the water footprint of the country.

      By contacting a professional plumber to conduct a thorough plumbing inspection throughout your home, it is possible to save as much as 10% on your water bills. Common leaks found in most homes include dripping faucets, loose valves, and worn toilet flappers � all easily correctable matters. What's more, remember that some pipes can drip without a homeowner's knowledge � leading to expensive structural damage.

      Step 2: Make Your Toilet More Efficient
      According to the EPA, the biggest water drain in any residential home is the toilet � accounting for 27% of water usage. When examining your toilet for plumbing efficiency, the first thing to look for is leaks � as these are often silent, allowing water waste to go unnoticed for extended periods of time. A leaking toilet wastes anywhere up to 200 gallons of water each day.

      Another option is to contact a plumber and ask to install a high-efficiency toilet, or HET to be installed within your home. You may not know it, but over 40% of Americans still use older models that use 3.5 gallons of water per flush. Newer models use less than 1.3 gallons per flush through highly efficient methods like "class 6" technology. Your new toilet should possess the "water sense" label given by the environmental protection agency � which shows testing for maximum power, alongside the capacity to save thousands of gallons of water a year compared to traditional toilets.

      Step 3: Maximize Your Home Faucets
      A standard sink bathroom faucet runs at approximately 2 gallons a minute - making up 15.7% of residential water usage. To maximize your home faucets, start by checking for drips or leaks � both at the faucet head, and the connections and base. After this, examine the amount of water that is flowing from each faucet by filling a container for 10 seconds and multiplying the level of water by 6 for a per-minute reading. If you're not sure whether your flow level is correct, or feel that you are not getting enough water for your needs, you may need to contact a plumber.

      Another great solution is to have water-saving faucets installed, as these can reduce the amount of gallons faucets use per minute from 2.2 gpm to 1.5 gpm. What's more, these redesigned faucets help to save up to 30% of your water, without sacrificing the pressure required for personal hygiene needs. 

      Step 4: Reduce Energy and Water Use with Showers
      Replacing a single showerhead with an efficient model is enough to save a family home up to 2,900 gallons of water, as well as the amount of electricity needed to power the entire home for 13 days. Showers use about 2.5 gallons of water each minute, and account for 16.8% of our complete water usage. On the other hand, performance shower heads use approximately 1.75 gallons per minute � offering a saving of around 30%. The optimized design on these new models ensures that you barely notice that you're saving water in the first place.

      Step 5: Recycle Hot Water and Reduce Pressure
      Finally, you could consider speaking to your plumber about installing a re-circulating hot water system. These kits work alongside your current hot water tank to help transport hot water efficiently and quickly into faucets and showers. Rates of water waste falls as you don't have to run a tap for several minutes waiting for the temperature to warm up, and you may find that your morning routine becomes more efficient at the same time.

      You could also consider installing a pressure reducing valve on your primary water line, as many homes are working with water pressure over 70psi when all they need is a range of 35psi. Have your plumber check your water pressure and discuss whether a pressure reducing valve could save your pipes, and your water usage.

      Saving Water Benefits Everyone
      We use water in so many different ways - from keeping our lawns luscious and green, to filling up swimming pools and failing to fix leaky pipes. According to water managers in 40 of 50 states, most locations throughout America will experience some form of water shortage during the next ten years. To help save water in response to current and projected shortages, most experts suggest the purchase and installation of high-efficiency plumbing solutions

      Step one to reducing water use is understanding just how much water you waste every day, and step two is deciding upon measures that you can use to reduce that waste. Aside from the solutions mentioned above, simple behaviors such as washing dishes in a bowl rather than with an open tap, or investing in a high-efficiency washing machine can all help our approach to water in both the present, and the future.

      Author Bio: Don Teemsma, President/CEO of Ideal Plumbing, Heating, Air &Electrical brings decades of experience and expertise in the plumbing, HVAC, electrical and remodel industries. His second-generation family owned and operated business located in San Diego, CA serves residential and commercial customers. In his spare time, Don volunteers through various organizations, including the San Diego Fire Rescue Foundation, San Diego Rotary Club 33, and Mt. Helix Park Foundation. Most of all, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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        Carpet Cleaning - the way things are done

        Carpets are the most commonly employed textile in each and every household today, they serve different purposes for the homeowner. They may act as decorative items or just a way of keeping the shoes comfortable or warm during winters. Carpets have a lot of used. Thus, everyone likes to have at least one carpet in their home.

        On the other hand, carpets can also be quite difficult to clean. It�s not just the material which is made up of, but even its weight. Carpet is quite heavy. Thus, all you can easily do is just dust the superficial grime and dirt out of the fibres. However, there�re more convenient ways to clean the carpet.

        Different companies offering Carpet Cleaning services
        There�re a number of companies like Carpet Cleaning firms that offer carpet cleaning services. Their experience has made life easy for most of the people. They would clean your carpets thoroughly.

        You need to know that the professional carpet cleaners in Melbourne have been a part of this industry for many years now. Thus, they are the people who have experienced the most. Resultantly, they�re able to come up with various ways of ensuring that your carpets are cleaned in the best possible way.

        Other effective services offered by Carpet Cleaning companies
        Additionally, something else which the Carpet Cleaning professionals are capable of doing is helping your carpets get rid of bacteria as well as insects that get stuck in the fibres of carpets.
        This may be a common sight as the fibres are generally rough. As its rough, it can very easily get stuck on these. The microorganism may infect the humans easily by either getting stuck on the skin or by entering through the opening specifically the nose and mouth. Resultantly allergies and other major issues might also occur.

        Apart from eradicating the microorganisms which live in the carpets, the Carpet Cleaning professionals are also capable of eradicating the stains which might have happened to the carpets. It is another common sight as the carpets always sit on the floor. As these are spread on the floor, foods and beverages may easily spill on them. They might spread with foot traffic.

        Importance of Carpet Cleaning professionals
        The carpet cleaning professionals handle such situations very easily and very carefully. For doing this they first check the material of the carpet. Post that, they determine the right stains remover to be used. It is very important as there�s not just one efficient stains remover that is available in the market.

        Also, a wrong solution can be hazardous for the carpet. By analysing the situation as well as the carpet, these experts are able to remove the stains effectively while keeping the carpet safe.
        The carpet cleaning professional knows how valuable the carpets are. That�s why they�re very careful and cautious when they handle them.

        Cleaning the carpets is a very difficult job. It�s quite heavy and can be quite tedious too. That�s why letting the professionals handle these things is significant. You won�t have to handle it on your own.

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          Gas vs Solid Fuel Fireplaces � An Infographic

          Here at Livingstone Fireplaces, we are passionate about sharing information related to fireplaces. We have recently created info graphic about gas and solid fuel fireplaces. It contains differences between gas and solid fuel fireplaces so it will help people to decide which type of fireplace is convenient for them. Both gas and solid fuel fireplaces have their own distinct advantages. We have outlined some of the main advantages associated with both gas and fuel fireplaces below.

          Gas fuel fireplaces: It is you typical type of fireplace that will have the advantage of easy installation and maintenance when compared to other types of solid fuel fireplaces. Other advantage of the gas fireplace is that it can be used with little knowledge. These types of fireplace have also been considered a safer alternative to solid fuel fireplaces as they do not emit fumes, spark not do they create creosote.

          Solid fireplaces:  Next, we have added solid fireplaces in info graphic and the benefits associated with them over your traditional gas fireplace is that they can be used with multiple fuels such as coal, wood, peat and wood pellets. Solid fuel fireplaces are normally much economical than gas, and solid fuel fireplaces do not require any electricity to be lit and they also can be attached directly to your home heating system, thus allowing you to save more on your home heating bill.

          Finally, apart from the financial benefits of a traditional solid fuel fireplace over that of a gas fireplace, solid fuel fireplaces also give off a romantic atmosphere and give your home that rustic feel.

          Source - Livingstone

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            Dual Flush Toilets: The New Cutting Edge Design

            The dual flush toilets are a new trend that is sweeping every nation worldwide. It gives you multiple options to flush, which allows you to save water and is more convenient than the simple one. You will also end up saving bundles of money on your water bill and you will do your part for the environment.

            The two types of flushes are: Low mode and high mode flush. As per your requirements, you can use any of these modes to send the package down the drain with ease. A recent study has shown that the use of dual flush toilets will save up to 67% more water and will be beneficial in those areas where water is in scarcity. Many nations like Australia, where getting fresh water is a challenge have passed a rule to install flush with dual power only.

            This industry is growing exponentially and new technologies are being invented to attract more users. Apart from growing concern about the state of our environment, you will also end up saving big bucks yearly on your water bills. The mechanism used in this type of flush is different for each mode. When medium one is chosen, the flush automatically stops the flow of water after a certain amount is dispensed. This is a very good way of saving water and making sure your flushing experience is not suffering. You can also cut down on �misflushes� and ensure that no water is wasted while you�re using it.

            The designs are cutting edge and visually appealing. Newer models and push/pull features have made using dual flush more acceptable by larger audience. The plumbing part of this flush is tricky and requires an experienced plumber in Durham to help you achieve the p[perfect setting for your dual flush. It requires double plumbing connections and the interior adjustments are also a challenge and should only be handled by a well-trained plumber near you. 

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              Making Windows Last: 5 Contributing Factors

              Windows play a huge role in your home, contributing to both form and function, that�s why keeping them in tip-top shape must be one of your priorities. Like anyone, you�re going to want to make sure that you make the most out of your investment. To do this, you have to make your windows last. To do that, it is important that you understand the factors that affect your window�s lifespan.

              Choosing the Right Product
              To have a window that lasts, you have to start with getting the right product. There will be many options available to you but make sure that you get a window unit made of high-quality materials and fitted with advanced features suitable for the climate in your area. Fibrex frames, for instance, are designed to be highly durable, resisting decay, rot, warping and bowing better than what other materials are capable of. As for window glass, opt for multi-pane windows with low-emissivity coating for optimal energy efficiency.

              Ensuring Proper Installation
              Finding the best windows will be useless if you don�t have them installed right. For starters, windows must perfectly fit into openings and must be properly sealed to avoid air leakage and water seepage, which can cause premature deterioration. You also can�t just install a window right away without prepping the installation area first. Once a window is installed, it must be also thoroughly inspected to ensure proper fit and that it operates smoothly. a thorough inspection must be performed to ensure that it fits snugly and operates smoothly.

              Carrying Out Routine Care and Maintenance

              Your windows may be built to last but they will eventually succumb to wear and tear as a results of constant exposure to the elements. There�s no avoiding that but you can delay the inevitable with routine care and maintenance. For the most part, window maintenance is about keeping yours clean. Aside from regularly cleaning your windows, you may also need to lubricate moving parts once in a while.

              Scheduling Regular Inspections
              Having your windows checked for issues and damage is necessary if you want to spot problems before they worsen. Exact inspection tasks may vary depending on the windows you have but they should generally include: spotting signs of moisture buildup, ensuring all seals are intact, checking if parts need lubricating, searching for cracks and other physical damage and testing for drafts or air leakage.

              Addressing Problems Promptly
              One of the keys to making a window last is mitigating the problems you encounter while they are small. Once you notice signs of damage, such as holes, cracks, or splinters, give your local window contractor a call right away! It is important that you don�t delay because you don�t want to compromise your window any further. If your windows are old and you�re finding yourself getting repairs done too frequently, consider getting a window replacement instead. Talk to your window contractor about replacement options to not just give you an idea of what�s available to you but to help you find the best one for you as well.

              Author Bio:
              Mark Chaikin is the President of Renewal by Andersen of Northern Virginia-DC. A part of the company since 1974, he has been instrumental to the company�s continued growth, thanks to his focus on offering quality products and commitment to putting the needs of the customer first. His involvement in the window industry runs in his blood as his father, Martin Chaikin, also established a window replacement company called The Window Place in 1958. For updates from Mark, check out the company blog!

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                10 Hot Vintage Looks for Your Home

                Are you looking for some great tips to decorate your home in true vintage style? Well, you�ve come to the right place! Vintage home accessories and furniture add elegance, charm and style to any room, breaking the monotony of dull, modern living. From geometrically shaped industrial lights that brighten up your dining room to rustic wooden clocks for the kitchen, from vintage photo frames that display your memories to antique bookends for your desk, the below infographic, compiled by The Farthing, UK, has a host of great ideas to help you and inspire you. Happy decorating!

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                  Preparation List for a Perfect Christmas

                  Christmas time is here. Is seems like the year flew by and everything was last minute. Don�t let yourself get caught up like that again next year. Here�s a handy checklist that can help you prepare for the oncoming holiday craziness.

                  Three Months Out

                  This is generally when you�ll want to plan out any trips that your family plans on taking. Plot the road trip, buy the flight tickets, make the reservations, and figure out how to get your family to where they�re going. Conversely, if you�re hosting, now�s a good time to get a head count. You can never go wrong with a little early gift shopping.

                  Two Months Out
                  Now�s a good a time as any to buy the cards and wrapping paper. Most stores have just cleared away the Halloween items, so you�ll have the largest selection of Christmas cards to choose from. Also seeing as you�ll be baking for Thanksgiving anyway, now might be a good time to make anything that you can freeze for the holiday meals. Plain cookies and bread can be stored away for a while until needed.

                  The Beginning of the Month

                  Create the master gift list and start shopping. It�ll help if you have a budget in mind. Be sure to take advantage of any online deals at the beginning of the month. Up go the lights and the decorations, as no one�s judging early holiday decor at this point. Start up the holiday cards. A huge time saver is to wrap gifts as you buy them.

                  One Week In

                  Order the turkey or ham if you�re feeding a big enough family. Even if it arrives early it will be safe in the supermarket storage. Now�s the time to buy a live tree! Feel free to decorate it to your heart�s content. Make sure you�re good on wrapped presents and that the gift list is almost compete, if not totally finished.

                  The Week Before

                  This would be when you make sure you�ve got everything prepared and in order. Get all your ducks in a line. Deep clean your home for any company that�s coming over. Do you have the batteries for any children�s toys that will be opened? Or do you have enough plates and silverware? Shop for fresh ingredients and be sure your kitchen is prepared.

                  The Day Before
                  Now it�s showtime. Start the cooking now. Finish any last minute shopping. Make sure your video camera is charged and ready to go. Once everything is complete, sit down with your family and enjoy a nice mug of hot coco. You�ve earned it.

                  All in all, Christmas is so close. Not just in terms of proximity, but also in our hearts. So keep this list closeby for next year as well. Each xmas checklist is so different for different people, but it�s good to have a guideline. So plan for that Christmas ahead, and have yourself a very merry one.

                  Article written by Sean Mahan, also a writer for interias, a company that connects homeowners to reliable, affordable and professional contractors for their home improvement projects. Check more on Twitter.

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                    Easy Tips for Designing a Room Your Child Will Love

                    A children�s room represents much more than a sleeping and playing area. A children�s room is an enchanting setting where all their imagination can wonder freely and their dreams finally become a reality. A children�s room is a place where everything is possible. This is exactly why all parents have an obligation to help their children create their fantasy world by equipping their rooms with all the necessary items, decorations and furniture. So how to design a miraculous room that your children will adore? You can do it simply by following these couple of steps:


                    The walls in the room are one of the main aspects of decorating any space, as the choice of color and decoration on the walls can greatly contribute to the compete atmosphere of the room. As for children�s rooms goes, the first and perhaps the most important thing is to consider installing a couple of large windows so that you would allow natural light to come in. You can decorate the windows by adding curtains depicting your children�s favorite cartoon characters. Also, among other things, walls should be decorated with framed posters of Disney heroes and perhaps family photographs. Do not limit yourself only on one color. Choose different colors for different walls and create a cheerful ambient that your kids will surely love.


                    Another very important thing to keep in mind is the floors. Children spend a lot of their time sitting on the floor, playing, learning etc. This is exactly why parents should provide their children with an adequate foundation on which they can sit on. This is why it is a good idea to place some quality rugs that will provide them with warmth and comfort while sitting on the floor. Also, these rugs can be a great learning method as they can be found in various shapes and sizes with alphabet letters, numbers and even geographical maps.


                    The choice of colors in a children�s room should provide a feeling of warmth, comfort and joy. That is why the best choice are surely some vivid and lively colors that will create a cheerful ambient where children will feel pleasant and relaxed. The colors in the room do not apply only to the colors of the walls, but also the color of the furniture, decorations etc. Children are very visual beings and like that they need a surrounding that will help them spark their imagination.

                    Learning Nook

                    Every child needs an adequate learning nook that will help them study in a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere. It is a good idea to encourage children to read from an early age, that is why a book shelf is a mandatory item in the room. Also, there are certain objects that can greatly alleviate the process of learning like chalkboard walls, bulletin boards, flashcards etc. Also, when your child grows a bit older consider putting a computer in the room. When used properly, a computer can be a great method of learning as it provides an immense amount of information, educational games and similar. Of course, if you decide on providing your child with a computer, make sure to create a strict schedule for using it, so he would not become too absorbed in the virtual world.


                    We are all certain that a kid�s room is not complete without a proper set of toys. Of course, the type of toys varies from age groups, affinities and such. But there are certain toys that can be quite useful in the further development of children. For instance, collecting Davey boys toys bobbleheads or actionfigures has proven to be very effective in teaching children how to be organized, pedant and meticulous. Also, coloring books and plasticine encourage children to express their creative side.

                    Board and puzzle games are a good way to help them develop both mentally and emotionally.
                    An adequate children�s room should consist of all the things needed for a child to properly grow, learn and develop in the right direction. This is why it is important for parents to try and create an innovative environment for their children where they can feel comfortable and satisfied but at the same time motivated to learn, create and prosper.

                    About author:
                    Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She loves cooking, baking, sewing, spending quality time with her daughters and she�s passionate for writing. Her motto is: �Live the life you love, love the life you live.�

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                      Ornate Spaces: 6 Ways to Collect Trinkets for your Living Room

                      After you have selected the paint and arranged the furniture, your living room is not complete. To make this important space one that invites conversation and reflects your personality, you need to add something that sparks questions and that flows into discussion. One great way to achieve this is by displaying a collection of trinkets that provides a peek at your interests. Here are five things to consider when starting a collection for display.


                      Having a unified theme provides focus for your collecting and adds impact when displayed. A theme can be broad, such as vintage Halloween d�cor, or narrow, such as a series of collectible figurines from a particular maker or origin.

                      Shopping and looking for vintage or antique items can be a hunt and may require time at flea markets. In contrast, new collectible items may require that you stay informed of limited releases. You may have more opportunity to bargain for price with vintage trinkets than you will with new items.


                      You may want to take an unexpected approach to building a collection of trinkets and focus only on color. This kind of collection can be a lot of fun to display because everything is united by the color but also has variety of scale and shape.

                      In Use or Display Only

                      Consider if you want to build and display a collection that you also put to everyday use. You may choose to collect something that is wearable or used in some other way.  Things like lapel pins or brooches may fit into this category. Christmas decorations are fun to display when it gets cold outside. In particular, unique or rare items like snow flake ornaments or wax candles can also be considered.

                      Harmony or Discord
                      Your collection does not need to match the d�cor of your home. You may choose to collect trinkets that contrast from your decorative style or which represent an unexpected area of interest you have.  Contrasting ideas will create interesting conversations for family and friends.
                      Decorating your Walls with Your Collection

                      You can display even the smallest collection as long as the display is interesting. Individual shelves framed by painted squares have more of an impact than a collection on a table top. Because trinkets are often small, arrange multiple shelves (or hooks for hanging items) into a large square or other shape of your choice to occupy more wall space. This will mimic the presence of a single large wall piece and have much greater visual interest.

                      Displaying a collection of trinkets is an act in connecting with others. A collection displayed makes a statement about you and invites people to know you better. It invites questions and conversations while making a space truly yours.  This changes a place to live into a home.

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                        The 5 Most Common Types of Home Insulation

                        Insulation is important for your house during winter as well as summer. It allows your home to retain temperature inside, regardless of how hot or cold it may be outside. Without proper insulation, your utility bills could see a significant increase because all that heat or cool air simply drifts out of your house. Quality insulation will help you heat and cool your home efficiently, especially when you add it to the attic. Insulation's ability to resist heat flow is measured as an R-value. As much as 85 percent of heat loss in winter is through the roof of your home. That is why adding insulation with a high R-value will help keep you warm at a lower cost.

                        Insulation comes in a variety of materials, each with its own strengths and drawbacks. The five most common are described below:

                        Mineral Wool

                        The fibers of this insulation are made of slag and volcanic rock that is heated at extreme temperatures and then spun into sheets. Its strong composition means that it does not need to be replaced, is flame retardant anddoes not absorb water, which makes it an excellent choice as permanent insulation in your home. It needs to be installed by an experienced professional,however, because incorrect handling can lead to skin and eye irritation. Though it does not need to be replaced, with an R-value of only 3, you will need 10 to 15 inches depending on where you live.


                        Made of 75 percent post-consumer, recycled newspapers, this insulation is non-toxic and offers an eco-friendly option at a reasonable cost. Its R-value can be between 3.5 and 4, depending on how densely it is packed and it provides excellent protection from wind. The downside is that you will need experienced contractors and specialized equipment to install in in your home.


                        �This insulation is probably the best known and is made of glass fibers that have been woven into sheets secured with a binding agent,� said Barb Tresbesch, spokesperson for Corporate Mechanical, an HVAC service.�Though popular, it has a lower R value (2.5 - 3.8) and needs to be installed perfectly to remain effective. Even after a perfect installation, if it gets wet, or packed too tightly or loosely, it can still lose 50% of its R value. Because of this, you need to make sure it's installed somewhere with no wind or moisture exposure can occur.�


                        This is an excellent insulation option and comes in a rigid, closed-cell foam board. It has become extremely popular with energy-conscious home builders because of its high thermal performance. It has the highest R value (between 5.8 and 7). Despite all of this, it still remains affordable and environmentally friendly.

                        Foil Insulation

                        �Foil insulation refers to an insulation option that is coated in foil on both sides. This allows it to reflect heat away in the summer and reflect heat back inside during the winter,� said Tim Ruzek, home improvement professional and spokesperson for Galaxie Floor Stores. �It can be an extremely effective type of insulation, depending on the brand. One brand, eShield, has R-values as high as 11.6 when the insulation is used in two layers. There needs to be an air pocket between the layers of insulation to guarantee optimum performance. It is a good choice to add to any existing insulation. However, make sure to check its permeability. If moisture does get in, the foil makes it much harder to dry out.

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                          6 Easy Roof Cleaning Tips for Homeowners

                          Once the winter snow starts melting and temperatures rise, it is a great idea to begin some spring cleaning on your roof. This will extend the life of your roof and make sure it stays looking great. If possible, make an appointment with a contractor to have your roof inspected after your initial cleaning. Below is a list ofthings to look out for while you begin to clean your roof:

                          Tree Limbs

                          �Make sure that you do not have any tree limbs in contact with your roof,� said Dan Michura of Tree Squad, a Minneapolis tree removal service.�If you do, when the tree sways with the wind, it can loosen shingles and scrape off the protective granules on the surface. Trim any low hanging branches to ensure the longevity of your roof.�

                          Pine Needles and Leaf

                          If you live in a wooded area, there is no way to completely remove all of the leaves and needles from your roof. The main concern is any large piles that may have accumulated throughout the year. Big leaf or needle piles trap moisture and the long-term exposure can cause mildew to form on your roof. The additional weight of the wet leaves may strain the roof and could block gutters. Use a rake or leaf blower to remove large deposits of leaves or needles. Just be careful about the shingles while you do so.


                          Another issue created by low hanging branches is moss. Leaves from the branches can create areas of shade on your roof where moisture accumulates, encouraging moss growth. By trimming back leaves and branches, more sunlight reaches your roof, causing excess water to evaporate faster. Copper or zinc strips can also be nailed to the roof near the edges to prevent moss growth naturally. Herbicide can be use to reduce moss, but the run off may harm your other plants.


                          If you begin to notice discolored streaks on your roof, it could be the result of fungus, mold, or algae. These organisms will begin to degrade your roofing material and weaken the structure, eventually causing leaks. The best way to get rid of mold is by using a specialized spray. Do not try power washing the roof. This can dislodge shingles and cause other damage.


                          �Before the spring rain begins, make sure to remove any excess debris that may have accumulated in your gutters over the winter,� said Dean Bjorkstrand, owner of Landscape Design Minneapolis.�Check to be sure there are no obstructions and also make sure that your gutters are still securely attached to the roof.�

                          Inspect Shingles and Chimney

                          After cleaning, look for any missing shingles, damage to your chimney or evidence of flashing near the vents or chimney. If you spot any of these things, it is best to call a contractor for the best advice on repair.

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