The Ultimate Checklist for a Home Remodeling Success

When conducting any kind of complex and demanding project, you should definitely organize yourself and create a plan. Otherwise, on-the-spot decision making will probably make the job extremely difficult and frustrating.

No matter if you want to do a complete renovation, or just an annual home cleaning, be sure to put everything on paper, so you do not overlook details and small things that can cause you more problems and additional costs. Here is the ultimate checklist for major things to do when renovating your home.

Follow Regulations and Codes

Before you begin, take a look at local building regulations and codes, even if you do not find them an issue. However, they should be taken into consideration no matter what you plan to do. Is it digging your yard for installing a yard fountain, outdoor kitchen, or a swimming pool? Do you plan to reinstall any mechanical or electrical components in your home? It is surely your own business, but always be sure to take local codes and regulations into account.


Even with all the tricks for minimizing home remodeling costs, it can be an expensive project. Before you start the work, you should know how much money you are able or willing to spend. Think about whether you are going to renovate your home yourself or hire a contractor to do the work for you. What changes are you going to bring in, and how much will they cost? Even if you follow all the important advice about renovation, you should add a 20% cushion just to be sure you will be able to cover all the obnoxious surprises.


Before you set off on a home remodeling adventure, you should think about how long it will last. It is a complicated project, not a short-term one that you can finish in a couple of days. There are rooms and jobs that need to be renovated first, like bathrooms, before you proceed to other project steps. If you are painting something, the paint needs time to dry. If you are gluing tiles or wood, how will it take for the glue to dry? Your job and your kids� school obligations cannot be put on hold, and there would be many unplanned situations which will make you take off your focus of the on-going remodeling project. Certain jobs will require you to perform and supervise them yourself, so estimating the required completion time is necessary before pounding in the first nail.


Any task is much easier when you have the right equipment and tools. There are things you will not be able to perform only by using your hand. If you have a multiple-floor house and you plan to remodel the upper floors, then you should consider getting an elevated work platform (EWP). With it, you can access the problematic and otherwise inapproachable parts of your home. Think about what kind of equipment, tools and materials you will need, and write everything down.

House Structure

If you plan to knock down a few walls in order to extend your home premises, be sure to check all of the supporting walls. They are a common issue in home renovations, for they can cause damage if not properly checked. No matter whether it�s you or the contractors who are performing the job, you should triple check all of your home�s support walls before you start your projects. You do not want to knock one of these down.

The last, but not least important thing to plan is the accommodation for you and your family during the renovation project. Can you stay at your friend�s house, or you have to spend additional sums on hotels? If you are able to stay at home during renovation, make sure you have your bathrooms renovated at different times, so you have somewhere to take care of your personal hygiene. Make a schedule together with all the household members.

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