What is �Green� Home Building?

�Sustainability� and �green building� have become prominent terms in the construction business. What exactly do they signify? To put it simply: �green� as well as �sustainable� refer to the most eco-friendly, resourceful construction methods of building new homes. When green home building is employed, there is a coordination among the whole team of engineers, architects, builders and the client that concentrates on creating a building that is Eco-friendly, long lasting and comfy. Green building employs the use of natural resources such as energy and water. In the process, it lessens waste as well as pollution. 

�Green building materials are usually found in jungles that have attained a forest standard recognition from. They are fast renewable plant materials such as straw and bamboo, recycled metal, recycled stone and other products that are non-toxic, renewable, reusable and/or recyclable,� said Scott London of Sundays Off Pools. �Usage of regional, renewable materials is favored in green building to decrease energy wasted in transportation.�

As well as being built in an eco-friendly manner, sustainable, green homes are built to offer better comfort, efficiency and safety for the residents. These homes are built using the most cost-effective, natural techniques and provide superior air quality, lighting, thermal and overall energy usage. The general goal of green home building is to construct a house that is not only harmonious with nature, but also to deliver lasting, sustainable energy within the house. 

�Ecological homes provide considerable savings on energy, which makes them an outstanding value,� said Barb Tresbesch of Corporate Mechanical. �Researchers have found that green houses cost about two percent extra to construct but can generate savings of ten times more over the lifespan of the house. Additionally, studies have found that over a 20-time frame, green buildings have generated a return on investment (ROI) of as much as 71 dollars per square foot. Comprehensive studies on commercial structures show that eco-friendly, green buildings secure better sale prices, rents and occupancy rates compared to structures that are not developed to ecological standards.�

Sustainability and green building standards are governed by a number of agencies in the United States such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, Energy Star, Build It Green, The National Association of Homebuilders, National Green Building Standard, Green Globes and the International Green Construction Code. Each and every agency presents education and guidelines as well as specifications that should be used to ensure that a house is eligible as �green� or �sustainable.

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