Smart Ways to Deal with Storm Water

Storm water, that is its runoff, is something that should be taken seriously, especially in the light of contemporary climate changes. The beginning of Spring, with all the beauty it brings very often comes with heavy rains and storm water runoff can cause serious damage to your landscape and what is even worse to foundation of your house. Specifics of the terrain and local climate conditions require specific smart ways to deal with storm water. Here is what you should do.

Reduce impervious surfaces

One of the best ways of dealing with storm water is to have as little impervious surfaces in your backyard as possible. Natural drainage, which is certainly the most convenient and efficient way of taking away the excess of stormwater, requires ground surface that can soak the water freely. There are two ways of reducing impervious surfaces. The first is to use pavers instead of concrete or asphalt, or at least use porous asphalt or pervious concrete if you really cannot do without them and the second is to remove the central line of your driveway leaving only two strips of pavement for car tires.

Surround your patio and driveway with trenches

Identify the problematic areas around patio and driveway where the most of storm water accumulates. Dig trenches in those areas that will accommodate the excess of water and help drain it to the ground. Since the pace of drainage is as important as the drainage itself it would be best if you filled these trenches with gravel. It will slow down the drainage and make sure that all excess of storm water seeps into the soil.

Collect andreuse the roof water

The quantities of water that drain off the roof can be such that they seriously burden any sewer system, regardless of its capacity and flow. Therefore, instead of connecting your downspouts to storm drain or street direct them to the vegetated area of your yard. Also, you can use barrels to collect water and reuse it later to water your garden, at the same time reducing the risk of soaking your basement or damaging the foundations. Finally, barrels or other collectors and reuse of water will help save the environment.   

No bare land is allowed

In a recent chat with the people behind Dial Up Plumbing, I learned that areas of bare land are as dangerous as concrete is when it comes to storm water collection and drainage. If you happen to have this kind of land areas in your garden make sure you plant them as soon as possible. Do not turn them into lawns, the best solution would be to plant native shrubs and wildflowers or trees if the space allows.

Add small rain gardens

These small garden areas can be lifesavers in case of heavy precipitation. The key to their success is a well-chosen type of soil that helps the drainage and special rain garden plants that slow down the soaking process. Native plants would be the best choice since they will adapt to the soil fast and surely thrive successfully. The second most important feature is the location of the rain gardens. Lopsidedness and direction the storm water runs in will be your safest guidelines.

Obviously, storm water issues are not something that can be solved in day. On the other hand, they can create serious damage over a night and taking these steps to mitigate the storm water issues as soon as possible is strongly advised. 

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