2016�s hottest innovative kitchen products

Move over NutriBullet; there�s a whole range of innovative kitchen products that are set to take 2016 by storm. It�s not just about the brand new stuff that you�ve never seen before, it�s also about the products that take something that�s already good and improve it. So whether you�re interested in creating unique culinary dishes or just looking for a better way to cut a pizza, take a look through our guide to the hottest kitchen gadgets for 2016.

The Polyscience Anti-Griddle isn�t for every kitchen, but for creative cooks this high tech gadget can help you bring together unusual gastronomic wonders that will wow your guests. The Anti-Griddle is a flash freezing device. Think of the reverse of a hot plate � a cold plate. This plate can be chilled to minus 34.4 degrees and that allows for very fast freezing of sauces, purees and other liquids. You will be able to create unique dishes with solid or semi frozen liquids, such as salads with a frozen vinaigrette that melts as the meal is served. It�s also perfect for making stunning cold accompaniments for desserts.

Boomerang Wok
The Boomerang Wok is an improvement on the standard wok design, removing many of the inconveniences of the traditional pans. The Boomerang�s innovative cupped back makes turning ingredients much easier for a more natural and even stir-fry. Usefully, the front prevents spillage saving you the hassle of cleaning up afterwards. It is such a simple advance but it makes a huge difference when it comes to actually cooking. With a high build quality and a smart appearance, the Boomerang Wok looks great in your kitchen as well as helping you make healthy meals with ease.

The Foodpod is one of those simple cooking innovations that can just help make your kitchen experience a little easier. This cute little tool is a silicone pouch that makes the whole process of blanching, steaming, boiling and draining much easier. The pod is a great time saving device that keeps your food together during cooking. Perfect for steaming vegetables, it can also be used for cooking eggs and shellfish.

Coming in the summer of 2016, Cinder is a smart grill that allows you to exactly dictate how your food is cooked to an accuracy within one degree. Using sensors and artificial intelligence, the Cinder is like having an electronic chef in your kitchen. Perfect for grilling meat to precision perfection, it can also be used to fry vegetables with an ability to cook every item how you like it � even if you�re starting from frozen. The Cinder links to an app on your phone, so you don�t even need to be in the kitchen to be cooking a perfect meal.

Philips Digital Airfryer
Even though there has been an influx of competitors, Philips Airfryer is still the undisputed king of the market. And if you�ve never considered air-frying, 2016 could be the year to join the revolution. Using a tiny fraction of the oil of traditional fryers, the Airfryer is able to achieve similar results with a delicious crispy outside and a soft inside. Despite its name, the Airfryer is also able to bake, roast and grill items to perfection. You can create great tasting food that�s much healthier than you might have imagined is possible.

The DreamfarmScizza is the ideal tool for slicing and serving pizza. Unlike a standard pizza cutter, the Scizza works perfectly on any surface and won�t scratch pans or dull. You simply slide the Scizza under the pizza, slice evenly and serve � it couldn�t be easier. With extra-long stainless steel blades, it works well with any pizza.

Uutensil Stirr
British company�utensil are masters of creating innovative kitchen products. The Stirr is one of their most recent inventions � an automatic stirrer that rotates in the pan leaving you free to get on with something else. It�s like having an extra pair of hands in the kitchen and can take away the frustration of stirring.

Article provided by Mike James, an independent content writer in the property industry � working together with a selection of companies including Kent-based luxury, bespoke kitchen specialist David Haugh, who were consulted over this post.

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