5 ways to swiftly prepare your home for guests

It�s great to have friends, colleagues and families over your home celebrating with you during special occasions like birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas or even just a simple annual get together.

With that, don�t you want to invite them over even without special events and during regular days? Are you taken over by the amount of things you need to get done, prepare and clean up to get your home ready?

Don�t wait for these events to happen, invite your guests over even on ordinary days! The solutions to your dilemma are here so take note. Quickly transform your home and make it look tidy and neat 24/7.

Tip 1: Embrace the lighting. When you�re short of time and you need a quick and easy fix, great lighting is the best way to cope with every problem. It should be your best friend.

At times where spontaneous invites are to happen, you�re most likely spending the whole time wondering what your home looks like; how you left it. It can be worrisome especially if you left your clothes hanging everywhere, there are piles of plates in the dishwasher and the overall decor is shameful. But fret not because good lighting provides a drastic looking change in your home.

Of course, you need to take a minute to get off all the hanging clothes and clear the dishwasher but generally, letting natural light travel through your space is a good indication of a well-maintained home. You could also use artificial light and place it strategically if you need to.

Tip 2: Take your chance on throw pillows. Throw pillows are cute, comfortable and are good accessories to your sofa. Dress them up in bold and eye-catching patterns then, you�re good to go.

No, don�t cover up your mess on the sofa with these adorable cushions. Instead, use them to distract your guests� attention and let their eyes focus on your throw pillows and less of the other clutter you have sitting in your home.

Tip 3: Stock up your bathroom. Whenever there are guests coming over, we usually take if not all then most of the time cleaning up the living room -- where you all hang over. But you�re forgetting one important thing -- the bathroom.

Chances are, apart from the living room and the kitchen, it�s your bathroom they�re having a good sight of since where else would they excuse themselves but to go to the comfort room? To prepare your bathroom and get rid of the unsightly view, stash on toilet paper, unclog the toilet (if needed -- a must!), leave a mouthwash, feminine products, powder, hand sanitizer, and the likes for their convenience. You�ll never know what they need especially if they�re too shy to ask.

Tip 4: Envision your home from a different perspective. The best way to declutter, decorate and fix a home in a snap is by looking at it in a different perspective; in an angle where you put yourself in your guests� shoes and perspective.

By doing so, you�ll know which part of the house should you prioritize and which part is safe to keep your hands off for the meantime. Be efficient. Do you think your guests will go straight to your bedroom? I bet you wouldn't even let them so lay your hands off it for a while and at the moment, keep your focus in the living room, kitchen and bathroom -- the areas of the house where they are most likely to go to.

Tip 5: Staging is key. No, you don't need to run a quick trip to the store to buy a new bold flower vase that will surely catch your guests� attention.

Keep the space simple and don�t over decorate! During times like this, people tend to put on more and more decors to distract them from the real mess behind it. A quick declutter and less decor is the solution.

In addition, highlight your home�s best features! You got an astounding artwork? Put it on display. Get rid of the mess and showcase your assets.

Have you got more tips and tricks to share? Help another out and leave a comment below!

Chie Suarez is a writer/blogger for Wincrest Homes, a company that builds modern family homes in Sydney, the Central Coast, Newcastle, and Hunter Regions. Chie has a deep interest in home design and decoration. 

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