2015 has gone and left us with fabulous and outstanding home decor and design trends some of which are welcome to stay this 2016. While others are better left in the past and should be ditched as the new year unfolds.
As the year begins, we can�t wait to see what will be the trends in home design this 2016. And to give you a few ideas on what to style your home with today, here�s a few designs and styles to expect as this year goes.
Shine with metallics and marbles. 2015 was the year of monochromes. An all-white kitchen is never complete without a bold piece to catch someone�s attention. A living room isn�t glamorous without a perky side table and pedestals. Finally, a dining room isn�t at all enchanting without a pretty chandeliers.
To complete the look of a space, especially those who sports neutral colors with minimalistic and simple designs, a statement piece is essential. Pastels and raw materials are still going strong to this day however, metallics and minerals have yet to gain their momentum this 2016.
Worry not if you have no metallic or marble decor at home. You don�t have to buy new decors just to keep up with the trend and to spice up your home, buy a metallic spray paint instead and coat your structured side table or the frames of your mirror to glam your home.
Traditional tableware. Mothers and grandmothers everywhere will say this aloud to you once again: �I told you so.�.
You can never go wrong with traditional table wares: the footed bowls and gravy boats. Yes, they look so ancient and perfect for a Victorian era movie set but as you can imagine, it looks great and very stylish. If you�re not prepared to jump in the boat to go all out on this, try mixing it with your modern kitchenware or your chinaware. Nonetheless, it will look fantastic.
Bold prints, fabrics and textures. Neutrals and monochromes were the hit last year. Admit it, you were one of the people who switched their bed covers from patterned to plain white. And if you�re a millennial, you�ve probably captured your messy bed and posted it on Instagram or Tumblr.
That was the case last year. Now, we�re predicting this is the time to be bold and wild with patterns, textures and fabrics. This is the year you should step out of your comfort zone and embrace different styles as per prints, fabrics and textures.
It doesn�t have to be a huge change or all out upgrade to the point you change your rug in an ethnic printed one which doesn�t compliment your sofa or doesn�t suit the living room. A simple upgrade such as replacing your plain throw pillow covers with printed ones is a way to go.
Artistic accessories. Today, more and more homeowners are taking their home under control in term of style and putting more of their personality in it. Finding a piece that is stylish and brings out your personality is a great match. Homes are not just a plain shelter today. From stylish ceramics, structured mirrors, vintage coffee tables, abstract paintings, eye-catching centerpieces and the works, it gives out that artistic sense balanced with the homeowner�s character.
Geometric and patterned tiles. People like to play it safe and go along with what�s normal simple. But sometimes, it�s going spontaneous and experimentative that brings out the best features of your home.
When it comes to tiles, homeowners like it simple especially in the kitchen. But do also keep in mind that a nice tile backsplash makes your kitchen appear extra dynamic and out of the ordinary -- making it apart from others, specifically the one you modeled it from.
Nude pink and other pastel colors. Pastel colors has been a trend in the interior design industry last year and it will surely continue on this year. For the reason that the colors of the year are in the shades of pastel: Rose Quartz and Serenity.
Pastel accessories, wall color, appliances, furnitures and the likes have its way on trend as the year progresses. And since the colors of the year are in pastel hues, you�ll see the shades become dominant in interior design. It�s your turn to hop in the trend so better have your space a nice, warm pastel accessory or paint your room in blush pink and see not only how good it looks but also how differently it sets the mood.
Rules bent. On trend or not, be free to decorate and design your home the way you want it to. It is your own home, your own space, your own paradise. Leaning towards a more modern feel? Go for it. Perhaps you�re into traditional style? Own it. There are several important and essential tips and tricks in terms of designing but remember: rules can be bent.
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Chie Suarez is a passionate writer for PAAL Kit Homes, a company that manufactures and supplies steel-framed kit homes that help Australian families build their dream home. Chie has a deep interest in home design and decoration.
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