What is a Hinged French Patio Door and Why You Should Get One

Thepatio door is a special type of door, tasked with bridging the divide between indoor and outdoor areas for more seamless living spaces. There are several options available in the market today, one of which is the hinged French door.

What is it?
Essentially, the patio door is the hinged version of a French door, the traditional design that the door comes in. French doors are characterized by expansive glass areas so you�ll see this as well in the hinged patio door variant. Actually, featuring a lot of glass is what allows a hinged French patio door to do easy work of connecting living areas, blurring the divide between indoor and outdoor spaces. Like other hinged doors, a hinged French patio door may be installed to swing inward or outward, depending on your preferences and the amount of available space you have around an entryway.

Why get a hinged French patio door?
Thanks to its expansive glass area, a hinged French patio door will bring in a lot of outdoor views, letting you enjoy the scenery without taking a step outside your home. Aside from great outdoor views, the patio door can also let you enjoy:

l  Energy Efficiency. There are two main ways by which a hinged French patio door can help make your home more energy-efficient: improved insulation and daylighting support. Quality framing materials keep heat transfer to a minimum, helping indoor heat stay in and outdoor heat out, while low-emissivity glass coating keeps solar heat at bay. Low-E coating doesn�t impede natural light as well so daylighting efforts are supported. Stable indoor temperature prevents overworking your HVAC system while daylighting reduces dependence on artificial light, both of which will let you make wiser use of energy in your home. Quick tip: Look for the Energy Star label! A certified hinged French patio door is an energy-efficient option.
l  Aesthetic Appeal. A patio door is not usually a focal point outside a home but that doesn�t mean that it can�t contribute a lot toward improving exterior appeal. Aside from a naturally exquisite appearance thanks to an expansive glass area, a hinged French patio door also comes with a range of customization options to ensure that yours perfectly matches your home.

l  Durability. A top-quality hinged French patio door will last, withstanding not just the elements but every outdoor threat doors are exposed to day in and day out. This means no fading, no peeling, no blistering, no flaking. Aside from making the most out of the patio door�s service life, this kind of durability also means that maintenance requirements will be low, letting you save on upkeep costs as well.

Where to Get One
Sold on getting a hinged French patio door? Make sure you indeed benefit from the advantages the patio door has to offer by only working with a reputable contractor. Aside from offering quality products, a reputable contractor can also assureyour hinged French patio door is installed right, guaranteeing that it performs as it should.
Christine Salamone is the creative director for Renewal by Andersen of Western New York. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in the industry, she works with her team to provide excellent service to homeowners from the Rochester and Buffalo, New York area. For updates from Christine, check out the company blog!

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